Statement of Inquiry: Innovative use of design systems can function to create engaging products
Global context: Scientific & Technical Innovation
Key & Related Concepts: Function, Innovation & Systems
ATL Skills: Organisation, Critical thinking & Transfer
With a focus on sequential learning and as an introduction to ‘coding’ and game creation, Grade 6 complete a project using Scratch Coding. The brief given for this project was that each game must be suitable for young learners, be engaging and interactive, but must also educate by incorporating learning in some way. The students start with inquiry by researching existing games and game creation and then begin to design and plan their own game, using storyboards and Adobe Illustrator and /or Piskel to create their own wallpapers and sprites. The students then begin the arduous task of piecing their game together using the block code available, until they have a complete and finished game for which they can assess and evaluate against their design brief and design specification.
Examples of several games are shown below. The QR codes below each game link to the game itself which can then be played. .