Below, you can find examples of the types of resources that I create to aide my students in their learning. If you find them to be useful, you may download and use them. I also have a folder here that has a great many more Fusion 360 tutorials and videos that range from complete beginner to advanced techniques and tools.



I have a Google Drive folder with many more Fusion 360 tutorials for beginner and intermediate users that is constantly being updated here. This folder has additional printable guides as well as a number of video tutorials such as the one shown opposite.



The links below direct to a number of a step by step video and printed tutorials made as an introduction to using Adobe Illustrator to design projects for the laser cutter. This was originally made to support my Grade 6 Design for Purpose project. The printable instructions include handy short cut keys.


Here you’ll find a number of interesting Photoshop tutorials to follow that are printable.