Below are a selection of digitally focused projects completed by my students that combine both product design and digital elements together in their solutions to high school student-oriented problems.
Using both light and sound, this digital device hopes to provide a calming ambience. The project investigated colour theory and how colour, light and sound can dictate mood. The product is aimed at students deep in study that may want to take relaxing breaks.
Features: Sound when turned on, cycles through colours and sounds. Potentiometer adjusts brightness.
Production: Adafruit Playground Express, 3D printed base, laser cut mounts.
Created by Ngan Do, ISHCMC
Above: Demonstrated functions
Problem: Decline in general productivity and rise in stress. Due to the global pandemic, many employees are working online. They spend long durations working at home, an environment very different from office. Studying or working at home leads to extended hours of working on the same spot continuously, leading to stress and mental strain. This can cause decreased productivity as well as harm to mental health. Diminished mental health causes a decline in focus, which is shown to decrease performance, engagement, communication and daily functioning. This problem affects individuals that study or work at home, especially if they have a heavy workload.
Working at home leads to disorganisation as well. On the desk of most adults working from home is a mix between personal items and ones work-related. These items tend to mix up, which is especially troublesome if there are important documents.
Lack of exercise and breaks can also be a problem, due to lack of time and neglect. It is often overlook when there are large tasks at hand. This leads to deconditioning, poor health and overall decreased productivity.
Create by Luke Wang, UWCSEA.
When attached to the backpack of school students, this product automatically detects that it is dark and illuminates red. If the cyclist falls, this is detected and both light and sound are emitted to alert others.
Features: Self-illuminates when dark. Alerts others of a fall through warning lights and sounds.
Production: Adafruit Playground Express, 3D printed base, laser cut windows.
Created by Manita Thanda, ISHCMC.
This product has been designed to help those that meditate regulate their breathing to set beat times. Being portable it also allows users to record sounds from their favourite and most peaceful sports to replay later when they need a mental break.
Features: Recordable sounds. Regulates breathing for meditation. Produces a variety of light colours and pre-recorded sounds.
Production: Adafruit Playground Express, Piezo speaker, Push switch, 3D printed base, blow moulded dome.
Created by Chaewon Lee, ISHCMC.
Using this device helps struggling students fall to sleep through soothing light sequences that gradually dim and calming sounds that become progressivly quieter over a set time. The product can be programmed to perform these functions over a specified amount of time. The same can happen in reverse to progressively awaken the student via the built in digital alarm clock.
Features: Plays sounds that quieten over time. Calming light displays. Alarm clock
Production: Adafruit Playground Express, Piezo 5W speaker, Push switch, 3D printed body and internals, laser cut acrylic side panels.
Created by Enqi Wong, ISHCMC.